Chapter 2 : C++ Basics
The C++ language consist of two elements : Semantics and Syntax
- Semantics is a vocabulary of commands that humans can understand and that can be converted into machine language. Table below shows a partial list of vocabulary use in C++ program programming that are also referred to as keywords or reserved word.
- Syntax is a language structures (or grammar) that allow humans to combine these C++ commands into a program that actually does something.
Example :
Cout<<”Hello World.”; (Correct C++ statement) =Correct Syntax
c Output “Hello World”.(Incorrect C++ statement) = Wrong Syntax
c Output “Hello World”.
This are the keywords/reserved word :
asm | do | inline | short | typeid |
auto | double | int | signed | typename |
bool | dynamic_cast | log | sizeof | union |
break | else | mutable | static | unsigned |
case | enum | namespace | static_cast | using |
catch | explicit | new | struct | virtual |
char | extern | operator | switch | void |
class | false | private | template | volatile |
const | float | protected | this | wchar_t |
const_cast | for | public | throw | while |
continue | friend | register | true | |
default | goto | reinterpret_cast | try | |
delete | if | return | typedef |
A simple example C++ program :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Welcome to the wonderful world of C++!!!\n";
return 0;
Here is an example of running the program:
Welcome to the wonderful world of C++!!!
- A C++ application program is formed by many components that are comments, the include directive and header files, functions, declarations, reserved words, console input/output, escape sequences and statements.
Components | Summary | Example |
Comments | Comments are non-executing statements that you add to a program for purpose of documentation. | // One line statements /* Multiple line statements */ |
The preprocessor directive and header file | The preprocessor directive enables the program to use certain functions contained in the external file. | #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> |
Functions | Functions are the basic building block in C++. | Main() { // Statements } |
Declarations | All variables used in a C++ program must be declared before their use. Variables are simply reference to memory locations. | int x, y, sum; |
Reserved words | Reserved words used in the C++ language have special meaning and they cannot be used for any other purpose. | Include, int, main, return |
Escape sequences | An escape sequence always begins with the backslash (/) and is followed by one letter or special character. | \n, \t, \\, \”, \’ |
Console input & output | Data are entered into the computer using cin (console input) and the redirection operator >>. The function cout and the redirection operator << sends the output to the system console. | cout<”Enter a number: “; cin>>num; |
C++ statements | Executable statements in C++ must be followed by a semicolon. | Int x, y, sum; cout<”Enter a number: “; cin>>x; sum = x + y; |
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